Letter to the Editor

"This is Blytheville" is no excuse

Friday, March 14, 2014

To the editor:

I moved here in December of last year. Why is it when I walk around, tell people where I am from, they said, "Why did you move here?"

I notice that towns in Tennessee on the other side of the river are smaller and have no industry but have more things for people to do. I went to the movie theater today, just to see the roof was falling in. Yes, the roof is falling in. I asked about this, and the answer is, "This is Blytheville."

Talk to a police officer, and he told me his low pay. Yet I was at Kroger, and noticed that many people park on the sidewalk right in front of the door. Right in a fire lane. (Towing and ticket offense which equals revenue). I asked one person, "Why do you park there?" His answer: "This is Blytheville."

Strange. We need to welcome people, instead of saying, "Why did you move here?" Build an infrastructure where the headlights leaving the city everyday will make this their home. I work local, but on my shift I am one of three that live here -- the other eight on my crew live elsewhere. I ask them why. Their response is, "Because it's Blytheville." (In school we called them carpet baggers.)

I am not going to give up on my new home, but it appears our city leaders have. A lot o people work here and leave. Why not attempt to keep them here? Take a ride along the other side of the Mississippi to Memphis, then look at our side. What happened? And you know what, they all work here and take their money out of town. Why? Because this is Blytheville.

George Lafond