Letter to the Editor

Gosnell councilwoman's polling irks citizen

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

To the editor:

I did not feel well enough to attend the last Gosnell City Council meeting, since I am on oxygen to assist my breathing. After reading the newspaper article on the council meeting, it was just as well I did not attend since it was noted the council voted to not let the visitors speak.

When I read about council member Quearry's report on the poll concerning mosquito spraying, she personally conducted going door-to-door in her ward, I would have wanted to stand up and dispute her findings. I live in Ward 1 and did not appreciate council member Quearry's husband knocking on my door to conduct her survey. He should know his wife lives in Ward 2. I am curious how many people outside of her ward are listed on her survey.

If I did not feel well enough to go to the council meeting. I certainly did not appreciate Mr. Quearry bothering me at my personal residence in Ward 1 surveying for his wife, which she said that she went door-to-door conducting in her ward. I told him that my councilman had done been by polling in Ward 1. She misrepresented the people and then voted not to let them speak their feelings at a public meeting.

Thelma Norris