Letter to the Editor

Hunting season is time to practice gun safety

Friday, August 31, 2012

To the editor:

Football season is quickly approaching, and that means hunting season will soon be here also.

As hunters are getting everything ready to enjoy the seasons, I want to remind all gun owners it is your duty to keep yourself and your household safe. You should always triple-check that your guns are unloaded whether you are cleaning them or climbing out of a stand.

Don't think of it as a hassle, but a 30-second responsibility that could save a life. Also, if you are a gun owner -- either for hunting or self-defense, and you have children in your house, experts say to tell the kids where the guns are, but that those areas are absolutely off-limits. This is in addition to using the safety features of your guns or gun locks.

I am an advocate for the NRA's Eddie Eagle Gun Safe Program, and what we teach young children when they see a gun is Stop, Don't Touch, Leave the Area and Tell an Adult.

Following these basic gun safe methods is so simple, yet life-saving. I hope everyone has a safe and happy hunting season!

Mason Magouyrk
Miss Northeast Arkansas 2012