Letter to the Editor

City must be fixed before citizens "talk it up"

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

To the editor:

Mayor Sanders,

I saw an article in the Blytheville Courier News where you wanted the citizens of Blytheville to talk the city up.

To put things in perspective, let's review the past headliners about Blytheville: The city is being sued by the IRS and Mississippi County, Tax rates are increasing to astronomical levels to pay for the thieves and fools of the city's past administration, our street repairs have devolved to the point a "spray coating" is supposed to last for five to seven years. This does not even cover the stupidity of the county spending money on a hospital where the emergency room response is measured in hours (I know, I left after three hours) and the industrial development money is being squandered on a "business" at the base that appears headed for a crash landing (along with our money).

Mayor, talking up Blytheville at this time is like putting lipstick on a pig -- it makes you look foolish and damn sure doesn't improve the bacon. If you want the citizens to talk up Blytheville, get city government finances in order, lower the tax rate to realistic levels, get the streets repaired and city services working efficiently by spending the money collected where it is intended to go. Work closely with the county to keep the jail and landfill accounts paid up and get a citizens committee formed to review this hospital debacle.

Until these improvements happen I am NOT going to be talking up Blytheville because I am going to be too busy doing my shopping elsewhere to avoid this ridiculous tax rate.

Johnny Hutchinson